Category Interviews

TFW 2011 Interview: Tony Brownrigg

When you’re an independent film maker, you don’t always have the luxury of having an FX person or a makeup person or even different people to write, direct or edit. Many times, all of these people are the film makers… Continue Reading →

TWF 2011 Interview: Kerry Beyer

Many people hit TFW to meet their icons, see the stars or hobnob with the newsmakers. Hidden behind the big names though are numerous independent film makers, lots of them local folks, just looking for their opportunity to scare you… Continue Reading →

TFW 2011: Interview with Robert Englund

In addition to being a genre legend, Texas Frightmare Weekend guest Robert Englund is a man of irrepressible energy and took time out from his schedule to sit down with us to talk about coming back to Dallas, rednecks and… Continue Reading →

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