Many people hit TFW to meet their icons, see the stars or hobnob with the newsmakers. Hidden behind the big names though are numerous independent film makers, lots of them local folks, just looking for their opportunity to scare you… Continue Reading →
I know what you’re thinking, “Big deal, there are people around the pool,” but Saturday night around the pool was deceptively calm.
If someone asked me to sum up the Saturday experience at TFW, I could do it in two words: absolute insanity. Truckers back in the day may have described the scene as “wall to wall and treetop tall” and they… Continue Reading →
Time flies when you’re having fun. Day one here at TFW was supposed to officially start at 4PM. At least that’s what I thought at first. Instead, things kicked for me right around ten-thirty when networking started with local bloggers… Continue Reading →
Checked into the Sheraton Grand this afternoon. TWF attendees were trickling in as those attending a business conference were checking out. This evening, though, the excitement isn’t taking place at the hotel but at the Studio Movie Grill in Lewisville… Continue Reading →
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