Here it is…
Quite honestly, it’s left me speechless. Not because it’s any great cinematic achievement but because it’s like a monumentally bad cook suddenly discovering he can successfully boil water.
OK, maybe it’s not that bad either.
Still, here it is.
“Annotated” began life as a piece of Lovecraftian flash fiction I wrote for a site called MicroHorror. Basically, it was an experiment to see if I could write a story of 666 words or less. Really, it was more of an experiment to see if I could just still write. A crisis of confidence in a writer inevitably leaves a trail half-finished thoughts and dangling participles. After much massaging, I finally finished it. It wasn’t perfect, but it was mine and it was done.
That was two years ago.
Since then, I’d been watching, reviewing and analyzing films and if I learned anything, I learned that I wanted to make one. At first, I started writing a very ambitious feature script. Then, I had an idea for a shorter, but still fairly tough shoot. My ideas seemed to keep getting smaller until one day; the fine folks at DOA Bloodbath announced they were going to host a local Lovecraft film festival. Then it hit me. I had a very short story that could be shot with one person on one location. It was the easiest shoot I could possibly think of. Certainly, three months to shoot would be plenty of time.
What could possibly go wrong?
Well, that’s a story for another time. Right now, we’ll give you a glimpse of our teaser trailer.
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