Month October 2012

Lori Bowen: What Do Horror Fans Want?

Stepping up to the platform today is one of the nicest people I’ve never met: writer, director, cinematographer – you name it. She’s an award winning filmmaker and the newly minted Director of Operations for the Viscera Organization: Lori Bowen.

Rocco Previtali: What Do Horror Fans Want?

Day Two or our series, “What do horror fans want?” and I dig into my grab bag of internet cronies to let Mr. Rocco Previtali drop some bombs on the horror world.

Sam Santiago: What Do Horror Fans Want?

A fine Halloween tradition returns as once again I pick the brains of horror fans, media and assorted genre professionals as I ask that immortal question: what do horror fans want? Kicking things off, we welcome the Horror Man, Sam… Continue Reading →

REVIEW: ‘Sinister’

I’m not going to sit here and tell you that “Sinister” is the best horror movie I’ve seen this year. Or how it broke new ground in the genre. Quite honestly, it may or may not be and it really… Continue Reading →

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