Author Auntie Maim

A long time horror fan, Auntie Maim builds monsters in her backyard. When not strapping electrodes to hapless victims, you can find her - front and center - at any Ghoultown show.

Auntie Maim: What do Horror Fans Want?

This week’s edition of “What Do Horror Fans Want?” we finally give an unbridled rein to one of our new additions here around the TerrorScribe grotto, Auntie Maim.


There are few things in life more capable of scaring me senseless than humans. We are an unpredictable creature from the day we breathe our first breath. Much like beautifully wrapped packages on Christmas morning, you may only guess what’s inside…. Continue Reading →

REVIEW: ‘The Task’

After having read its synopsis for “The Task”, I was really excited about this film. I thought to myself, “what a great concept” and it was… until someone covered, smothered and strangled nearly every ounce of originality from it. “The… Continue Reading →

REVIEW: ‘Hatchet’

I found myself at a crossroads when it came to ”Hatchet”. Part of me wanted to watch it and part of me just knew it was going to be another run-of-the-mill slasher flick. The bored part won out and so… Continue Reading →

The Jaundiced Eye: Oh, the Horror of it All!

“Hollywood needs to burn”, I believe that’s how it was put to me by a very good friend the other night. I completely agree and think we should start the blaze by using some of the latest horror film scripts!… Continue Reading →

OH MO! Moseley to Play Manson

Auntie Maim’s heart nearly broke when Bloody Disgusting revealed that her very own hero of horror, that icon of the icky, that metal plated Machiavelli, Bill Moseley had been cast as Charles Manson, in Susanna Lo’s forthcoming “Manson Girls.” Due… Continue Reading →

‘The Last Lovecraft’ Gets A Release Date

It appears that those three guys from the comic book store, you know the ones, always together and always immersed in some hypothetical debate over which super hero has the greatest powers….yeah, those guys; are about to be gifted with… Continue Reading →

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