You are Alex, and you’ve just brought your new stepbrother Jonas to an overnight island party gone horribly wrong.
Imagine if you will, Rod Serling reading this to you… “There is a place where time stands still. A bubble in which some genre movies exist where the conventions, themes and patterns haven’t changed since the 1980s. There’s the signpost… Continue Reading →
Feel free to call me crazy now, but a long time ago – when I was far more fearless and impulsive than I am now – I had a brief interaction with a ghost. The girl I was living with… Continue Reading →
Have you ever wanted to read the weird tales of H.P. Lovecraft but found that they just weren’t street enough for you? Well, never fear – the fine folks at the Wisecrack YouTube channel have you covered with their Thug… Continue Reading →
In the name of full disclosure, I have to say here that I donated to the “Sacrament” crowdfunding effort. I got a t-shirt. Additionally, I know Shawn Ewert. Shawn Ewert is a friend of mine and you sir, are no… Continue Reading →
I haven’t been exposed to a lot of Austrailian horror, but what I’ve seen, I’ve liked. With that being said, I’m hoping that when this hits stateside that it’s as awesome as I think it will be.
There was one of those internet card memes going around that, in essence, said: “I’m looking forward to the Zombie Apocalypse. Then I can go around and shoot all the stupid people.” I think the actual language is more succinct… Continue Reading →
Ever have one of those days? You know the kind: the ones that start out with you sleeping through your alarm, followed by running out of hot water in the middle of your shower, and then by cutting your face… Continue Reading →
In nature, mimicry and camouflage are used as a defense against predators. Whether it is the protective coloring of some species or even the clever anatomy of a stick bug, these mechanism help protect the weak or otherwise helpless. Hollywood… Continue Reading →
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