Tara (Lindsay Pulsipher) and Johnny (Jesse Hadock) get close in “The Fair-Haired Child”.
from Showtime’s “Masters of Horror” series
The Fair-Haired Child (2005)
Directed by: William Malone
Written by: Matt Greenberg
Starring: Lindsay Pulsipher, Jesse Hadock, William Samples, Lori Petty
A warlock couple abduct a young teenage girl to sacrifice her to a mysterious and evil entity as an offering to resurrect their long-dead boy. (from IMDb)
Quickie Review
Stupid people and stupid horror are the bane of my existence. When you add a heaping helping of lazy, you create something even more noxious. That’s what you get here. The entire episode could have been bypassed if someone had simply learned to shout, “Hold onto the boat!” The other fifty eight minutes could have been filled with a nice musical interlude.
The Good: At least Lindsey Pulsipher is easy on the eyes.
The Bad: There’s a lot of shorthand used in lieu of actual character development. Yes, we see the girl getting laughed at in school, but why? The only crime she seems guilt of is being the only awkward girl in school. As the episode progresses, she undergoes no real development; she just there to react and not to be. To me, it’s just lazy story telling.
The Ugly: What’s with the scene that looks like it’s plucked out of a French art film? It just didn’t feel terribly organic. And, for the second straight episode, the creature design was a bit underwhelming and the camera ramping effects were a little cliché – though almost understandable given when the episode was made.
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